We're doing it. We're making our head bartender, Danny Shapiro, work on his birthday. A schedule is a schedule and just because Danny happens to be turning 26 on a day he's scheduled to work doesn't mean he gets the night off. But, as it turns out, we do have a heart--and that's why we're turning the evening's menu over to the birthday boy's whims and fancies.

But that’s not all! Because it wouldn’t be a birthday at Scofflaw without some
mystery menu items. Chef Mickey has recreated two of Danny's favorite dishes: a Cobb Salad (Danny's favorite version of the salad from Toast in Los Angeles) and the Paseo Sammy (Danny's favorite sandwich from Paseo in Seattle). They'll both be available for $10 and $8, respectively.
And the real kicker: complimentary mint-chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches at midnight!
Whoa, we're sold! But you might not be, and even though that's kinda weird, it's okay. Just promise to stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter
and blog for up-to-date news on this very special occasion. Because,
thankfully, you’re only 26 once.
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